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Admitted Engineering Freshmen

Welcome to the Batten College of Engineering and 技术! 请将此页作为您的门户清单的补充,以了解您作为工程学院新录取的大一新生需要做什么.



  1. ALEKS-PPL数学分班测试:至少在君主入学前一周
    ALEKS Testing Process

    IMPORTANT: If you do not complete the ALEKS-PPL process, 在入学指导期间,您将无法注册数学或工程课程,这可能会延迟您的毕业时间.

    1. 注册 亚历克斯PPL. You will need your Midas ID and password.
    2. 完成由ALEKS提供的信息问题,并参加无监考的评估. Do NOT use a calculator. (ODU does not allow calculators in most math courses. If a calculator is needed, ALEKS will provide one).
    3. Complete eight (8) hours of module work.
    4. Sign up to take the proctored placement exam.
    5. 您将在考试后立即收到考试结果. 如果你想重新参加考试进入高等数学班, 你必须等待一个星期,并完成至少八(8)小时的模块工作.
      • 模块是根据您的测试定制的,并确定您需要处理的区域.
      • 为了最大限度地利用学习模块,我们建议不要使用计算器.
          • 如果你要从其他学院或大学转微积分I学分或转微积分I以上的数学课程, you do not need to take a math placement test. 请确保这些学分已经转移,并通知你的学术顾问.
          • 如果你正在从社区大学/四年制机构或通过先修课程/双入学转代数或预微积分I学分, 我们鼓励您完成亚历克斯PPL,因为它将为您准备数学课程序列的严谨性.
          • You may also place into math by your SAT or ACT score. 点击这里 for the math placement eligibility table.
        1. 化学分班测试:至少在君主入学前两周

          化学分班考试由ODU化学系通过Blackboard进行. 这次考试是有时间限制的,应该尽你最大的努力去做.

          如何进入Blackboard学习组织参加化学分班考试的说明 可以在这里找到.

        2. WSPT:写作分班测试:至少在君主入学前两周

          Freshmen students without AP, dual enrollment/transfer credit, 或CLEP成绩满足他们的ENGL110C(英语作文)要求,将需要参加写作样本分班测试.

          More information on the WSPT 可以在这里找到.

        Engineering Early Advantage Program for 女性 (EEAP)

        ODU Engineering's EEAP is a one-week on-campus immersion program 在夏天由弗吉尼亚太空资助联盟和其他赞助商资助. 它帮助进入工程领域的年轻女性彼此建立一个社区, participate in engineering activities, and take 旅行 to area industry groups. 参与者将在会议期间参加君主定向,以协助班级注册或2023年秋季. EEAP will run from July 9-14, 2023. Placements in EEAP are 接风宴 and competitive due to the limited seats. 所有已确认的工科大一女生都会收到包含EEAP申请的电子邮件邀请. Please check your email for the EEAP invitation.

        Engineering Living and 学习 社区 (ELLC)

        符合ELLC资格的学生应申请并可被邀请到生活和学习社区. 被ELLC录取的工科学生将有活动, 事件, 旅行, group study sessions, and linked courses. ELLC的空间有限,学生必须达到学术基准才能获得资格.

        Learn more about the ELLC 在这里

        General freshman housing is available to all students. You can find more information about applying for housing 在这里.

        你应该通过招生办提交你的大部分学习成绩, but it is good to double-check.

        1. High School Transcripts?

          ODU需要在你的正式高中成绩单尽快. 联系你的高中指导办公室,了解打印和发送正式成绩单的信息.

        2. SAT或ACT分数?

          SAT和/或ACT分数是帮助ODU建立学生档案和历史的重要信息. Follow directions from the College Board (SAT)和 ACT网站 to make sure you've sent your scores to ODU.

        3. AP, IB, Transfer, or Dual Enrollment Credit?

          Credit earned in high school can help you get ahead in college. 确保你已经向ODU发送了你所获得的大学学分的任何文件,以便与我们的办公室核实. 双注册和转学分将需要学分授予机构的正式成绩单.

          有关最靠谱的网赌软件的学分和分数的更多信息, visit the admissions website.


        1. 确保你在入学日之前完成所有的分班测试

          -Math placement: at least one week before Monarch Orientation


          -Chemistry: at least two weeks before Monarch Orientation

          -Writing: at least two weeks before Monarch Orientation

        2. 下载并阅读面向君主的工程包


        3. Register for Monarch Orientation.


        The Freshmen Monarch Orientation Package & 演讲 are currently under revision.

        PLEASE NOTE ** Apple computers (MacBook, iMac, etc.) are NOT compatible with engineering software.

        Recommended Specs for Engineering 项目


        Latest version of Windows 11




        16 gb DDR4


        Discrete Video Adapter such as the NVIDIA GeForce


        512GB SSD or higher

        Wireless Internet

        Any Wi-Fi card capable of supporting 802.11ac


        你的 新生顾问 会在新生迎新会上帮你准备秋季的课程吗. 然而, 君主取向之前的任何紧急问题可以通过打电话院长办公室或通过电子邮件给你的顾问回答.

        Placement Testing and 夏天的计划?

        对于与工程特定的安置测试(ALEKS和可视化测试)和夏季项目(如工程夏季桥和EEAP)相关的紧急问题, 联系 Minghui (Hannah) Hou. 有关WSPT和化学分班测试的问题应直接向各自的部门提出.

        Want to come see ODU Engineering again?

        First Fridays are still open for registration, check out the First Fridays Program page for more information.

        You can also 联系 the ODU Engineering Ambassadors at any time for a personalized tour.